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  • December 7, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

7th Annual River Rise Poker Ride

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River Rise Preserve State Park
373 SW US Hwy 27
High Springs, FL 32643

river rise poker ride

Come Ride the Poker Trail on Saturday, December 7, 2024, collect your hand, and you could win!
3 “Best Hands,” and
1 each “Oldest Rider”
“Youngest Rider” and
“Oldest Horse Ridden”

CHECK-IN & DAY-OF Registration opens at 9:00 AM
Pre-Registered Entries: $20/first scorecard per person.
Day-Of Entries: $25/first scorecard per person.
All Additional Scorecards: $15 each for same person.

For Online pre-Registration go to https://www.givesignup.org/TicketEvent/7thRiverRisePokerRide.
To download a Mail-in Registration Form, go to https://www.friendsofoleno.org/…/2024-Poker-Ride-Mail…

PRIZE DRAWINGS for prizes generously donated by local businesses. You must be present during drawing to win. (No purchase required to enter drawings.) A vendor will be on site with light breakfast and lunch items for purchase.
Reserved camping is available with purchase of a Scorecard through Online Registration or with the Mail-in Registration Form. (You cannot make a camping reservation for this event at the Ranger Station.)

All proceeds from scorecards, reservation fees, donations, and t-shirts will be used for maintenance, purchases and improvements at River Rise Preserve and O’Leno State Parks!

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