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  • November 16, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

A Splash of SPARC352 Community Art Celebration

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Eastside Recreation Center
2841 E. University Ave
Gainesville, FL 32641

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Celebrate the creativity and success of the SPARC352 community collaboration art projects. Participate in community painting, dance with Smooth Flava, learn about Terri Bailey’s Gainesville Proper book, enjoy a performance from Stop The Violence GNV youth group, and dig into delicious food as you learn about SPARC352’s 2024 community-led art projects.

SPARC352 is an initiative grounded in the idea that arts are at the core of healthy communities.

SPARC352 brought artists and neighbors together through various art modalities to address critical issues facing residents in under-served communities. With the support of the Mellon Foundation, SPARC352 awarded nine community artists up to $10,000 for projects addressing at least one of four themes identified in these events. Each artist partnered with members of five priority neighborhoods in the completion of their projects. Learn more about our artists and the work we do at sparc352.org

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