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  • December 14, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Alachua’s Nutcracker Christmas Parade

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Main Street Alachua
15000 Bob Hitchcock's Main St.
Alachua, FL 32615

alachua christmas parade with Mayor Gib Coerper with Mr. and Mrs. Claus

Step into the Magic of The Nutcracker Christmas Parade!

Experience the City of Alachua’s Annual Christmas Parade as Main Street transforms into a festive celebration inspired by the enchanting story of The Nutcracker. Enjoy dazzling floats, spirited performances, and delightful surprises. This beloved tradition features local entertainers, school organizations, and more, creating holiday memories for the entire community.
Photo courtesy City of Alachua.

White Whats Good Circle