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  • December 21, 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Artwalk in Downtown High Springs

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Downtown High Springs
18587 High Springs Main St.
High Springs, FL 32643

High Springs Gateway Mural

Stroll charming downtown High Springs and meet artists during Artwalk.

This seasonal event is an opportunity for 20-25 local artisans and artists to demonstrate and display their talents and offer their works for sale in front of storefronts throughout the downtown area. Step inside local businesses for specials offered during Artwalk and take care of last minute gift ideas.

Lanza Gallery & Art Supplies features a, art demo with Diane Hornby from Green Lizard Pottery, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. The Gallery also offers free “Saturday” door prizes for patrons throughout the day.  Admission is free.

White Whats Good Circle