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  • January 11, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Light Up the Night – Intro to Fire Workshop at Gainesville Circus Center

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Gainesville Circus Center
1925 NW 2nd St.
Gainesville, FL 32609

light up the night flyer

Learning everything you need to know to explore the art of playing with fire in this workshop.

No experience is required. Gainesville Circus Center will go over all materials including kinds of fuel, props, clothing, and safety equipment. Instructor Jeremiah Collins will walk you through how to set up stations for fueling, extinguishing, and storing. Everyone will be trained to put out fire on people, places, and things while leaving enough time for everyone to perform/play with fire. There will be props to use, but bring your props if you have. Wear natural fiber clothing preferably not too baggy or flowy.

White Whats Good Circle