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  • October 24, 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Lights on Afterschool

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The Children’s Trust of Alachua County and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Northeast Florida invite community members to a fall festival in celebration of Lights on Afterschool. The Oct. 24 event will be hosted at the Boys & Girls Club northwest site and kicks off at 4:30 p.m.

Lights On Afterschool is a national celebration dedicated to promoting the accessibility of afterschool programs to all families and children. This event highlights the valuable opportunities and benefits that afterschool programs provide to children, as well as their families and the community at large.

The Children’s Trust of Alachua County funds seven afterschool programs in Alachua County, serving children in grades K-12. During the event, other afterschool providers funded by the Children’s Trust will be present along with many of the youth they serve.

Following the fall festival theme, attendees are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes or fall attire and bring a bucket to Trick-or-Treat around the booths. All are welcome to join for an afternoon of exciting carnival games, creative arts and crafts stations, live performances, special presentations, food trucks, music and more.

WHAT: Lights On Afterschool Fall Festival

WHEN: Oct. 24, 4:30-6 p.m.

WHERE: Boys & Girls Club at 2661 NW 51st St., Gainesville, FL 32606

COST: Free

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