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  • January 11, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The Other Book: Black History in Alachua County Lecture Series

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Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art
3259 Hull Rd
Gainesville, FL 32611

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Before schools were integrated, Black teachers taught from two
books; the official government sanctioned books and from other
texts, written by Black authors about the realities of the Black
experience. It was referred to as “the Other Book.” In the current
political climate of book banning and “white washing,” this class
offers an experience of the history of Alachua County from the
Other Book. This first lecture is on “Dispelling the Myths: Precolonial
Africa” by Dr. Rik Stevenson.

To register go to
https://bit.ly/OtherBook. Registration is helpful but not required for
attendance. All are welcome.

White Whats Good Circle