Pop Up Picnic at Frog Song Organics

Frog Song Organics 4317 US Hwy. 301, Hawthorne, FL, United States

Enjoy a picnic lunch on the farm with your friends or loved ones! Each picnic bag includes: 2 empanadas (your choice of chorizo or vegan curry) fresh veggie slaw a slice of carrot cake (v) or chocolate cake (v) hot chai tea w/galangal & turmeric -or- sparkling citrus & roselle...


Cane Boil and BBQ at Frog Song Organics

Frog Song Organics 4317 US Hwy. 301, Hawthorne, FL, United States

Learn how the farm preserves the sugar cane crop with a demonstration from Farmer John. Enjoy live music with Anna Surento and The Sparks and the Fire. Farm-to-table lunch plates are available from chefs Phil Bailey Anderson and Richard Vaughn.